plan port saint quay portrieux

Welcome to 

The “Portrieux” is an authentic beach port located in the heart of the pretty seaside resort of Saint-Quay-Portrieux. It is known for its picturesque charm and landscapes that change with the tides, offering a variety of colours and atmospheres throughout the day. With 360 seats, including 5 reserved for visitors, the Portrieux testifies to the departures for Newfoundland fishing as early as 1612 and retains all the charm of a Breton port. But it is not only its charm that attracts visitors and boaters, as Saint-Quay-Portrieux is a lively city with many activities on offer throughout the year.

The fine sandy beaches of Saint-Quay-Portrieux offer an idyllic setting to relax, sunbathe or stroll along the coastline. Water sports enthusiasts will also find their pleasure with the opportunity to practice sailing, kayaking, paddle or even scuba diving. The crystal-clear waters of the bay invite you to explore the seabed rich in biodiversity. Around the harbour, restaurants offer fresh and local produce, highlighting the delicious specialities of the area.

In addition to the pleasures of the sea and gastronomy, Saint-Quay-Portrieux offers many activities and events throughout the year. Open-air concerts, cultural festivals and craft markets liven up the city, creating a festive and convivial atmosphere. For hiking enthusiasts, the coastal trails offer magnificent spots to discover. You can stroll along the steep cliffs, enjoy breathtaking views of the sea and breathe the invigorating sea air. Nature lovers will be enchanted by the diversity of the landscapes and the richness of the fauna and flora of the area.


Quai Robert Richet
22410 Saint-Quay-Portrieux

Telephone +33 (0)2 96 70 95 31
Port office opening hours

Monday to Friday: 9h-12h/14h–17h
Saturday & Sunday : Closed

Register my boat in stopover, send my documents, access services in the ports... Access the port portal
Practical information for download
plan port saint quay portrieux échouage See full screen map

Safety instructions

Cleanliness : All work must be carried out without harming neighboring vessels or vehicles as well as port infrastructure.
Prohibited : - The floating moorings - Chain trimming
Any deteriorated annex shall not be used and a visual inspection of the integrity of the annex shall be performed by the boater prior to each use.
It is compulsory to wear a lifejacket both in ports and at sea.

Our ecological commitments

logo je navigue je trie I sail, I sort This programme offers adapted facilities to enable yachtsmen to sort their waste on board and deposit it in specific containers on their return to port.
logo aper APER National eco-organisation approved by the Ministry of Ecological and Solidarity Transition to manage the dismantling and recycling of pleasure and sports boats at the end of their life.

The port team

Annie Denigot
Annie Denigot Deputy port manager

Directory of nautical associations de Saint-Quay-Portrieux

APPUOPP Friendly of recreational fishermen and users of Portrieux harbour works
Esplanade Eric Tabarly
22410 Saint-Quay-Portrieux
Telephone 02 96 70 43 91
Websites & social networks Site internet

All year round
Permanence on Saturday morning from 10h30 to 12h00


Select a service for more information:
Cale de mise à l’eau
Parking voitures
Parking voiture + remorque
Déchetterie portuaire
Annexes mutualisées

News of port

20 / 06 / 2024 Tous les ports / All ports Eskale d’Armor

Marinas welcome you !

Good news for international boaters ! Thanks to a new protocol signed between the Directorate General of Customs and Excise Duties (DGDDI), the National Federation of Border Police (DNPAF), and the French Federation of Marinas (FFPP), our non-PPF marinas now have permission to welcome boats coming from abroad !
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10 / 10 / 2023 Paimpol Eskale d’Armor

Organise your business event at Paimpol marina !

Welcome to the Salle Mauffray, an exceptional venue nestling on Paimpol harbour, specially designed to meet the needs of professionals. Find out more about what the Salle Mauffray has to offer in terms of capacity and facilities for your business meetings and conferences.  
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01 / 06 / 2023 Tréguier Eskale d’Armor

The port of Tréguier becomes a border crossing point

Since 1st June, a major decision has been taken in favour of the port of Tréguier. It is now registered as a border crossing point (BCP). Yachtsmen, particularly the British, can now access the port without having to have their passport stamped in a customs port such as Brest, Roscoff, Saint-Malo or Le Légué in…
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24 / 03 / 2023 Binic - Étables-sur-Mer, Saint-Quay-Portrieux Eskale d’Armor

Rehabilitation of anchorages

Eskale d’Armor has launched a campaign of works in the ports of Binic and Saint-Quay-Portrieux (grounding port), aimed at improving the quality of service to users and the safety of moorings, as well as their environmental impact. The main action implemented is the reorganisation of the mooring plans for Portrieux and the outer harbour at…
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Events around the port